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Funding opportunities

Light bulbs in a row

Relevant funding opportunities and sources for medical and health research.

MSCA Staff Exchanges funds short-term international and inter-sectoral exchanges of researchers, technical and administrative staff. The deadline for the open call is 5 February 2025.

The Nansen foundation and affiliated funds have announced the Fridtjof Nansen award for excellence in science. The award for 2025 will be awarded within the fields of natural sciences and medicine. The deadline for nominations is 10 February 2025.

The Nansen foundation and affiliated funds have announced the Fridtjof Nansen award for young researchers. The award will be awarded within the fields of natural sciences and medicine and humanities and social sciences. The deadline for nominations is 10 February 2025.

The postdoctoral mobility fellowships are aimed at researchers from Circle U. universities who wish to continue their scientific or academic career at another Circle U. university. Deadline: 15 February 2025. 

DAM Foundation supports research that contributes to improving physical and mental health, quality of life, and social engagement. Deadline for concept note: 15 February 2025.

The Bruun endowment promotes basic Norwegian medical research in molecular biochemistry, physiology and pathology. Projects with a clear relationship to the fight against cancer are prioritized. Deadline: 15 February 2025.